Gunpla Weathering and Battle Damage Tutorial

Hello guys! Here is the finished write-up and article that I wrote for FromJapan blog about my style on Gunpla weathering and battle damage. Enjoy! Feel free to ask any questions below the comments section.

Note: Image above is made by FromJapan. All credits of the title image are to them. 😀

Gunpla Weathering Tutorial Preview (Video)

Hi guys! I’m currently in the process of creating a Gunpla weathering tutorial. And here’s the supporting video so far: Gunpla Weathering Demonstration. A write-up will be to follow that will include materials used and the process that I did. Till next post!

Gunpla Topcoating Guide

Hello everyone! It’s been long time since the last update. Been busy with adult life. I have a few backlog Gunpla kits now, hope to build them soon! As for now, here’s another tutorial/guide that I wrote for From Japan. Thank you From Japan for accommodating my article!

Always heard about top coat here, top coat there, but have not been able to try it? Maybe because you’re afraid of ruining your Gunpla after all that hard work? Worry not! Topcoating will not ruin your Gunpla as long as you do it the right way! And it’ll make you’re Gunpla look way better and have your paint job protected!

Here’s the guide:

Enjoy! Till next update! 😀

Gunpla Hand Painting Tutorial

Hi guys! Here is the gunpla hand painting tutorial that I wrote for fromjapan, I can’t post its content on my own site so I’ll just put the link here:

Enjoy! Hope it can help out beginners out there! Maybe I’ll make another painting tutorial when I have the time. 🙂