MG 1/100 Zeta Plus WIP

Hello guys! Happy new year! This will be my first build of the year! Just finished panel lining and application of decals. I’m thinking of applying some weathering before sealing everything with top coat. Till next update! 🙂

Continue reading “MG 1/100 Zeta Plus WIP”

MG 1/100 00 Gundam Seven Swords WIP1

Hi guys! Here is the latest kit that I’m working on. Inner frame done. What color scheme to do?

Continue reading “MG 1/100 00 Gundam Seven Swords WIP1”

MG 1/100 RX-78-1 Prototype Gundam


Hi guys! I present to you RX-78-1 Prototype Gundam!

This kit is a P-Bandai Hobby Shop exclusive and I had him bought by a friend from Japan. This is the “Grandfather Gundam”, older than the famous RX-78-2.

I just did a clean straight build, put the default water slide decals on, some basic panel lining and sealed everything with clear matte coat. I wanted to preserve the original colors and design of this limited edition kit.

Continue reading “MG 1/100 RX-78-1 Prototype Gundam”

MG 1/100 Strike Rouge + Ootori (WIP)


Hi guys! Just finished a snap-fit build of my latest project. Its an MG 1/100 Strike Rouge + Ootori.

I still have lots of things to do with this kit; finish the panel lining, decals and some detailing.

I love its color scheme and Ootori design, he is pretty stable even with a large backpack and is able to stand perfectly straight with the Ootori installed.

Here are just some photos of the snap-fit build:





I will post again after I have finished this project! Till next post! 🙂

MG 1/100 OZ-00MS Tallgeese

MG 1/100 Tallgeese

Hi guys! I present to you MG 1/100 Tallgeese! Partially painted and a lot of weathering. (maybe a bit too much though..) Continue reading “MG 1/100 OZ-00MS Tallgeese”

MG 1/100 RX-78-2 Ver. Ka (painted build)

MG 1/100 RX-78-2 Ver. Ka.

RX-78-2, the White Mobile Suit! The ‘Father’ of all Gundams as some might describe. I’ve been wanting to get my hands on a RX-78 model and I chose Ver. Ka just because of the decals. Though this is an MG kit, it feels though as I am assembling an HG kit while putting together some parts, though some parts are well detailed as expected in MG kits. Continue reading “MG 1/100 RX-78-2 Ver. Ka (painted build)”

MG 1/100 RX-75 Guntank

MG 1/100 RX-75 Guntank

I present to you MG 1/100 RX-75 Guntank! I won this MG kit last year in a raffle during a Gunpla competition. I did not win the competition but I was lucky enough to be a raffle winner of an MG kit, it’s a better prize than winning the consolation prizes. I procrastinated at building him since I wanted to build more HG kits first before venturing into MGs. Now that he’s been in the box art-less box far too long, I decided it’s time to start building him and apply what I’ve learned from the past year in experimenting with my HG kits, and also with that, I’ll start building more MG kits. Though there are a lot of HG kits that I want to have and build.

I was quite excited when I started opening the plastic bags containing the runners, It has been a long while since I’ve built an original Bandai MG kit. The most recent original MG kit I’ve built was Rick-Dom. Let’s start with the review! First off some photos of the individual parts: Continue reading “MG 1/100 RX-75 Guntank”