Gunpla Topcoating Guide

Hello everyone! It’s been long time since the last update. Been busy with adult life. I have a few backlog Gunpla kits now, hope to build them soon! As for now, here’s another tutorial/guide that I wrote for From Japan. Thank you From Japan for accommodating my article!

Always heard about top coat here, top coat there, but have not been able to try it? Maybe because you’re afraid of ruining your Gunpla after all that hard work? Worry not! Topcoating will not ruin your Gunpla as long as you do it the right way! And it’ll make you’re Gunpla look way better and have your paint job protected!

Here’s the guide:

Enjoy! Till next update! 😀

Tools of Mass Gunpla Building Update


Hi guys! I have updated my tools page, it’s been a year since I’ve updated them and my tools have grown and evolved through time. You can read it here or navigate above.

HG 1/144 MS-07B-3 Gouf Custom

Hello again! It’s time for a HG gunpla review!! Well, this was suppose to be posted last weekend, but as I said on my previous post, I got sick since Saturday up until now. I’m a bit better, but still I’m coughing hard! Good thing I already went to my family doctor and have proper prescriptions of appropriate medicine for my condition. XD

Continue reading “HG 1/144 MS-07B-3 Gouf Custom”

NG 1/100 Arios Gundam

Here is a No Grade 1/100 Arios Gundam, he was given to me by a friend, thank you so much!

Continue reading “NG 1/100 Arios Gundam”